Sept. 17, 2020

 Well another Wednesday CWT is in the books.  Never seem to get up for the 6 AM session out here.  I really enjoy sleeping in these days.  Anyhow made at least 30 minutes of both the 19 UTC and 03:00 one.  I really enjoy the QRQ part of the test, has been helping my copy ability with numbers.  I would suggest anyone wanting to up there ability to copy numbers in their head to join in.  It's still in the triple digit numbers for temps here in the desert.  This has been a record breaking year and it is time for it to end.  They say today 109 deg which is what it was yesterday.  Be glad when it cools up this winter so I can get out and work on some antennas that need my attention.  Starting to get to the point where I might just put up a good all band vertical.  Getting to the point I don't enjoy climbing the tower or being up on the roof of the house that much anymore.  It's called old age!  Well they say the solar cycle has started to make it's upswing, must be too hot here as no difference is noticed, hi.  Suppose I better get out of here and might run into a few of my rag chew buddies and have a nice chat today.

Ron N7RD


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